Blockchain Expo Tokyo - Automne

Blockchain Expo Tokyo - Automne

From November 20, 2024 until November 22, 2024

At Chiba - Makuhari Messe, Préfecture de Chiba, Japon

Publié par Canton Fair Net

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À propos de la NexTech Week 2024

Semaine NexTech 2024. Qu'est-ce que la Semaine NexTech 2024 ? Découvrez des moyens de promouvoir le DX de votre entreprise. Chaque jour, des conférences gratuites sont organisées pour découvrir les dernières technologies et tendances. .

This is the place to find solutions that can transform the world, the companies and the people.The event will feature four exhibitions that showcase the latest technologies, including AI', blockchain,'' and quantum computing,'' as well as services for developing digital resources''.1. Services that help "people" grow, which is essential to corporate growth2. The latest solutions to help businesses promote DX while improving operational efficiency3. Web3, quantum computing, and AI are some of the latest technologies that will revolutionize the world.Attendees include companies who want to promote DX as well as people from various industries looking for the latest technologies.

NexTech Week is holding four simultaneous exhibitions, allowing you to get all the information about the hottest fields in one place!Quantum computers and blockchain, which support the hot topics NFT and Metaverse and supports the AI, are among the notable technologies that can improve business efficiency!

À la NexTech Week, 400 entreprises* exposent. En une seule visite, vous pourrez rencontrer de nombreuses entreprises et trouver des solutions aux problèmes de votre entreprise. Nombre estimé d'expositions simultanées.

Implémentation Web3 et utilisation de NFT et DAOSmart contract (automatisation des transactions)Amélioration de la traçabilité.